Transferring triangles (LAP040)
  • Transferring triangles (LAP040)
  • Transferring triangles (LAP040)
  • Transferring triangles (LAP040)
  • Transferring triangles (LAP040)
  • Transferring triangles (LAP040)
  • Transferring triangles (LAP040)

Transferring triangles (LAP040)


The laparoscopic exercise "Transferring Triangles" is designed to develop the precision and coordination of movements essential in laparoscopy. Participants use laparoscopic tools to transfer six rubber triangles - three yellow and three red - between two sets of rods arranged in different configurations. This task requires not only dexterity and accuracy. Performed in a simulator, this exercise perfectly simulates real operating conditions, offering practical experience in manipulating laparoscopic instruments.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.

Choose:: Without suction cups for Kroton trainers

124x124x40 mm
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The needle threading consists of passing the string through the loops at different angles and heights. The small knots on the string create additional challenge, requiring the use both hands. The numbers on the pegboard suggest the order in which the string is to be passed through the loops. This exercise helps improve the coordination of both hands. The arrangement of pegs requires maneuvering laparoscopic instruments at different angles. The placement and angling of the loops was consulted and supervised by practicing surgeons.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


The Numbers exercise consists of arranging numbered color blocks in the correct order. Each block has a gripping peg. The blocks need to be rotated in order to be properly placed, which requires the involvement of both hands. This exercise help improving the coordination of both hands.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


The Suture Pad with 3-dimensional protruding features is ideal for practicing basic suturing techniques. Our pads can be used repeatedly.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


Unique product imitating the post-myomectomy lodge after the enucleation of a uterine fibroid. The aim of the exercise is to supply the lodge so that the inner dark red color is not visible. An advanced exercise that develops practical laparoscopic skills. An additional advantage of the preparation is mounting on a movable handle allowing for any positioning of the lodge during the exercise. The preparation is made in technology allowing multiple exercises.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


We offer the only tool on the market for practicing anastomosis. The exercise consists of sewing and pulling together the loose ends of two separated tubes. The challenge is to complete the exercise around the circumference of the tubes. The tubes are made of material that accurately imitates human tissue and allows for repeated exercise.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.
