Training modules

The Kroton laparoscopic training modules offer a unique set of exercises for a comprehensive learning of laparoscopic procedures and skills, starting with basic visuo-motor coordination of applying laparoscopic tools, through suturing, and finishing with surgical procedure exercises. Our training modules for practicing advanced laparoscopic skills are made of material that imitates human tissue and can be used repeatedly.

There are 55 products.

Showing 1-55 of 55 item(s)

Replacement pad for the 2-Layer Skin Module.

The double-layer skin model consists of two layers of different colors, which facilitates the learning of intradermal suturing. The module can be used multiple times. The upper layer imitating human skin is made of silicone, whereas the bottom one of a different color is made of a sponge-like material. The module is fixed on a stand with a holder.


The double-layer skin model consists of two layers of different colors, which facilitates the learning of intradermal suturing. The module can be used multiple times. The upper layer imitating human skin is made of silicone, whereas the bottom one of a different color is made of a sponge-like material. The module is fixed on a stand with a holder.


The Suture Pad with 3-dimensional protruding features is ideal for practicing basic suturing techniques. Our pads can be used repeatedly.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


The Suture Pad I has various protruding structures on its surface that allow practicing different surgical suturing techniques. The pad can be used multiple times. The module is fixed on a stand with a holder.


We offer the only tool on the market for practicing anastomosis. The exercise consists of sewing and pulling together the loose ends of two separated tubes. The challenge is to complete the exercise around the circumference of the tubes. The tubes are made of material that accurately imitates human tissue and allows for repeated exercise.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


Replacable element for anastomosis.

We offer the only tool on the market for practicing anastomosis. The exercise consists of sewing and pulling together the loose ends of two separated tubes. The challenge is to complete the exercise around the circumference of the tubes. The tubes are made of material that accurately imitates human tissue and allows for repeated exercise.


Two-layer skin model with elements imitating a dirty wound. The folds of the dirty wound are made of silicone reinforced with an elastic mesh, allowing for multiple suturing practices. The upper layer imitating skin is made of silicone, and the lower layer is made of sponge. The model is stabilized using a suction cup holder.

Serves as: artificial skin for suture training, artificial skin for surgical suturing, surgical suture training kit.


The purpose of the exercise is to place beads on pegs of different heights. This is an entry-level exercise for developing visuo-motor coordination, depth perception and precision using laparoscopic instruments.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


The 3-layer skin model consists of three layers of different colors. The three colors of the module imitate human skin, adipose tissue and muscle. The module can be used multiple times. The three layers are made of silicone of different colors. The module is fixed on a stand with a holder.


The needle threading consists of passing the string through the loops at different angles and heights. The small knots on the string create additional challenge, requiring the use both hands. The numbers on the pegboard suggest the order in which the string is to be passed through the loops. This exercise helps improve the coordination of both hands. The arrangement of pegs requires maneuvering laparoscopic instruments at different angles. The placement and angling of the loops was consulted and supervised by practicing surgeons.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


The Numbers exercise consists of arranging numbered color blocks in the correct order. Each block has a gripping peg. The blocks need to be rotated in order to be properly placed, which requires the involvement of both hands. This exercise help improving the coordination of both hands.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


The exercise consists of segregating beads by color and placing them into four containers. This is an entry-level exercise for developing visuo-motor coordination.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


The aim of this exercise is to place multicolored rubber bands included in the kit on small pegs. This is an entry-level exercise that helps to train eye-hand coordination and skillful use of instruments.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.

It requires a trainee to be precise and intuitive. Provides training on several key skills for laparoscopic operators; this includes weaving through obstacles, passing the rubbers with tools, sliding through, stretching, movement practice, setting a tool at different angles, dealing with tension produced by tight rubber bands. The model’s layout ensures diversity of combinations, and multitude of training options.


Model intended for practising the laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure (removal of the gallbladder by means of the laparoscopic method). It includes a life-size model of the liver (made of elastic material, imitating the real human organ) and the gallbladder. The fixing applied allows to practise lifting the liver lobe in order to obtain easier access to the gallbladder. The liver has been fixed to the holder inserted into the training model.


The purpose of the exercise is to place the blocks in the matching slots. The exercise helps develop the coordination of both hands.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


Model intended for practice of advanced surgical suturing techniques. Its rounded shape allows to train putting in sutures at any angle. Different forms and depths of the incisions allow for many suturing options to be used, while marking by means of letters aids in defining the practice spot in an exact manner.
Suggested puncture spots have been marked on the top surface by means of round dents. This allows the person undergoing training to keep equal distances between subsequent punctures and the edge of the incision, helping to learn correct habits.  The disc is also fully rotatable around its centre. The model is fit to be used repeatedly – once the sutures put in are removed, a new training session can be launched.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


In cooperation with gynecologists, we have developed a preparation for learning to perform laparoscopic pectopexy and colpopexy. This training module helps to teach laparoscopic surgery of supporting the cervix or vagina. The module has been developed for classical pectopexy and colpopexy procedure, where the mesh is being sutured to the sacrum, and for Dr. Noé's method. The middle replaceable pad is used for classical procedure, while two side pads are employed in Dr. Noé's technique. It is also possible to use actual surgical meshes (made of polypropylene).

Training module developed in collaboration with and under the specialist supervision of Jacek Kociszewski, M.D,Ph.D; Thomas Fink, M.D.; and Günter Noe, M.D.


Replacable element for cholecystectomy.

Model intended for practising the laparoscopic cholecystectomy procedure (removal of the gallbladder by means of the laparoscopic method). It includes a life-size model of the liver (made of elastic material, imitating the real human organ) and the gallbladder. The fixing applied allows to practise lifting the liver lobe in order to obtain easier access to the gallbladder. The liver has been fixed to the holder inserted into the training model.


Life-size model of the right kidney allowing to practice the partial nephrectomy procedure. Five tumours have been placed inside the model, made of a material simulating actual neoplasm structure. They are harder and yellow with 10, 12, 18, 20 and 25 mm in diameter. Four of those have been designed as the exophytic type and one is endophytic. Additionally, the model includes fragments of the inferior vena cava, descending aorta and the urinary tract. A renal capsule has been provided to surround the model. The following have also been marked inside: renal pelvis as well as the major and minor renal calyx.


Model intended for practising the procedure of laparoscopic removal of the appendix (appendectomy). It provides for the opportunity to conduct it with the use of Hem-o-lok polymer clips and a linear stapler as well as the Endoloop and Roeder loop. It consists of a rigid holder, mirroring a fragment of the caecum, and a single-use insert, simulating the appendix being removed. The insert is replaceable and a single training set includes three inserts.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


Model allowing to practise the skill of clipping and cutting through blood vessels. Inserts of different thickness have been used, which allows for training with different sizes of clips. The inserts are fixed at many angles and the Kroton trainer has multiple holes. This allows for training the procedure from different positions. The inserts can be fixed between different handles. The grooves in these handles are made at different heights, allowing for fixing inserts also at an angle.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


Handle allowing to fix any model, both an organic and synthetic one. Crocodile clips with sharp teeth  guarantee a steady hold. A tray with an elevated edge is used as the base, preventing leakage of fluids from organic models into the training device.  Maximum thickness of the object being grabbed is 30mm.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


Model allowing to perfect more advanced eye-hand coordination skills and effective operation of a laparoscopic camera.

Practice involves appropriate manoeuvring of the camera on inserted blocks so that they all end up in the centre of the field of view. Placing appropriate beads on rods is additionally required. Blocks of first type have colour-codded markers.  A bead of the same colour needs to be placed on a rod mounted next to a marker in a given hue. Another type of blocks is marked by letters and numbers with indexes made in a small font. Practice entails correct orientation of the camera so that a given marker can be found and its index can be read correctly.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


Model intended for practice of advanced surgical suturing techniques. Its rounded shape allows to train putting in sutures at any angle. Different forms and depths of the incisions allow for many suturing options to be used, while marking by means of letters aids in defining the practice spot in an exact manner.

Suggested puncture spots have been marked on the top surface by means of round dents. This allows the person undergoing training to keep equal distances between subsequent punctures and the edge of the incision, helping to learn correct habits.  The disc is also fully rotatable around its centre. The model is fit to be used repeatedly – once the sutures put in are removed, a new training session can be launched.


Replacement pad for Suture Pad II module.

The Suture Pad II helps practicing advanced suturing skills. The protruding elements are taller and more pliable than those in Suture Pad I, which requires greater maneuvering skill in operating the laparoscopic instruments. Our technology allows for multiple use and repeated exercise. The pad is fixed on a stand with a holder.


The module is equipped with a flesh-like, multi-layered pad made from material that allows repeated exercise. The aim of the exercise is to close the wound by approximating the edges of a cut until the blood-like lining is not visible.

The pad allows practicing various suturing techniques.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


Our preparation, developed in close collaboration with practicing urologists, helps to teach how to complete the laparoscopic fusion procedure after radical prostatectomy.

Creating tight fusion of the urinary bladder and urethra is described in the specialist literature  as one of the three most difficult steps during the entire procedure. Kroton training module – made of the highest-quality polymer material, and reinforced with the embedded net – allows for multiple practice, and at the same time reduces wear and tear of the training module.

Replaceable suturing inserts (bladder, urethra) are reusable. Their useful life depends on the manner of use. The training module copies the anatomy of the pelvis minor. Fits KROTON laparoscopic trainers.


Unique product imitating the post-myomectomy lodge after the enucleation of a uterine fibroid. The aim of the exercise is to supply the lodge so that the inner dark red color is not visible. An advanced exercise that develops practical laparoscopic skills. An additional advantage of the preparation is mounting on a movable handle allowing for any positioning of the lodge during the exercise. The preparation is made in technology allowing multiple exercises.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


Training module is used to learn surgical cutting and suturing. The practitioner cuts the preparation by himself, giving the desired wound shape. Our pads can be used repeatedly.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


The Puzzle exercise adds variation to the laparoscopic skills training by adding a game component. Each element of the puzzle has a gripping peg for grabbing with a grasper. The puzzle elements require proper orientation before placement, which facilitates the development of coordination of both hands.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


The exercise set consists of two sections of a two-layer small intestine attached to a foot imitating a mesentery. The task is to combine each of the "muscle" layers with the second section of the preparation.


An unique preparation that allows you to learn how to dissect and clip the blood vessel. Inside the yellow cylinder is a tube filled with artificial blood. The exercise consists in the mechanical preparation of the tube. Then it should be clipped and cut.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


The aim of the exercise is to drag the beads from one end of the wire to the other. The exercise helps develop the ability to accurately maneuver the jaws of laparoscopic instruments.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


The module assists with practicing tying surgical knots and applying ligatures on a blood vessel. The blood vessel model is mobile, therefore accurately reproducing the real-life operating conditions.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


The holder allows mounting and affixing a piece of cloth, e.g.: a glove, for practicing surgical cutting and making incisions.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


The classic puzzle has been applied to the laparoscopic skills training. The exercise helps improve the coordination and cooperation between the tools held in both hands. The goal is to rebuild the tower of Hanoi on the last rod using a middle rod, however, a larger disc cannot be placed on a smaller one. The exercise in the form of a math game is designed to add variation to laparoscopic skills training.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


The Suture Pad II helps practicing advanced suturing skills. The protruding elements are taller and more pliable than those in Suture Pad I, which requires greater maneuvering skill in operating the laparoscopic instruments. Our technology allows for multiple use and repeated exercise. The pad is fixed on a stand with a holder.


Replacable element for myomectomy lodge.

Unique product imitating the post-myomectomy lodge after the enucleation of a uterine fibroid. The aim of the exercise is to supply the lodge so that the inner dark red color is not visible. An advanced exercise that develops practical laparoscopic skills. An additional advantage of the preparation is mounting on a movable handle allowing for any positioning of the lodge during the exercise. The preparation is made in technology allowing multiple exercises.


Replacable elementy for wound training module.

The module is equipped with a flesh-like, multi-layered pad made from material that allows repeated exercise. The aim of the exercise is to close the wound by approximating the edges of a cut until the blood-like lining is not visible.

The pad allows practicing various suturing techniques.


The training module consists of three layers: 1) external, of skin-color; 2) middle, reinforcing; and 3) internal, of blood-color. The module is suited for people who have just started their practice of surgical suturing, i.e. for students, but also for experienced doctors willing to advance their techniques further. The used material accurately imitates human tissues. Owing to a dedicated handle, the insert moves to the sides during the incision, exactly like human tissue.


Replacable elementy for dissection training module.
An unique preparation that allows you to learn how to dissect and clip the blood vessel. Inside the yellow cylinder is a tube filled with artificial blood. The exercise consists in the mechanical preparation of the tube. Then it should be clipped and cut.


The Kroton Total Laryngectomy model was created to facilitate the presentation of voice prosthesis insertion in patients after total laryngectomy surgery. It is made in 3D design technology, from the highest quality polymer material, mapping the physical properties of human tissues.


Set of 5 replacable element for pectopexy and colpopexy training module.

In cooperation with gynecologists, we have developed a preparation for learning to perform laparoscopic pectopexy and colpopexy. This training module helps to teach laparoscopic surgery of supporting the cervix or vagina. The module has been developed for classical pectopexy and colpopexy procedure, where the mesh is being sutured to the sacrum, and for Dr. Noé's method. The middle replaceable pad is used for classical procedure, while two side pads are employed in Dr. Noé's technique. It is also possible to use actual surgical meshes (made of polypropylene).

Training module developed in collaboration with and under the specialist supervision of Jacek Kociszewski, M.D,Ph.D; Thomas Fink, M.D.; and Günter Noe, M.D.


The surgical suture practice mat, mounted on a flat base, serves as an educational and demonstration tool for those studying surgical techniques. Its silicone insert, reinforced with an elastic mesh, ensures long-term use. The handle stretches the silicone mat, providing even tension and simulating tissue separation during incisions. This model excels for demonstrating surgical stitches and tool handling. It is designed for learning and demonstrating surgical techniques.


The silicone-made skin model is a replaceable insert for: Flat skin for learning surgical cutting and suturing (SUR014). It consists of a single layer reinforced with an elastic mesh. The preparation allows for multiple suturings. The preparation is stabilized with a handle.

It serves as: artificial skin for learning sewing, artificial skin for surgical suturing, a surgical suture practice kit.


The laparoscopy training module with rubber pegs is an educational tool designed for doctors and medical students who wish to refine their skills in precise laparoscopic procedures. The set includes specially designed rubber pegs that the user inserts into appropriately prepared holes on the module, thereby simulating realistic operational conditions. The set contains 14 rubber pegs, enabling comprehensive training and the development of manual skills. It is an excellent tool for everyone who wants to enhance their efficiency and precision in performing laparoscopic surgeries.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.


The laparoscopic exercise "Transferring Triangles" is designed to develop the precision and coordination of movements essential in laparoscopy. Participants use laparoscopic tools to transfer six rubber triangles - three yellow and three red - between two sets of rods arranged in different configurations. This task requires not only dexterity and accuracy. Performed in a simulator, this exercise perfectly simulates real operating conditions, offering practical experience in manipulating laparoscopic instruments.

This model can be attached to the suction cups free of charge. Thanks to this, it will fit a trainer from another manufacturer.
