Our mission is to deliver IT and engineering solutions to improve the patients' safety during their stay in a hospital, especially during surgical procedures. We would be delighted if our patients associated a surgical procedure with safe and fast recovery, and if surgeons linked it with the comfort of their steady hands, without the risk of complications.

Human life and health is the highest value for us. For this reason, we have created the system of solutions allowing to develop surgical skills, without the need to practice on a living body. Our training modules faithfully imitate human tissues, allowing for multiple practicing the same procedures. Doctors who use them can rest assured that by improving their skills, they shall not pose any risk to patient's life.  

Our history

Since its founding in 1989, KID has developed a solid foundation of loyal customers. Thanks to the numerous innovative projects designed for our clients' needs, KID has expanded its profile from being an IT firm, to what we perceive to be an ‘engineering’ company. Our solutions have been applied throughout the whole Europe.

Our Here and Now

We currently hire 25 people. Engineers specializing in various fields comprise 90% of our personnel. We run a family business with second generation of experts working in our team. All the products we offer are our proprietary projects developed and manufactured in Poland.

Laparoscopic skills training

The work on the laparoscopic trainer began in 2015, and our first product was sold in early 2016.

Laparoscopic training pads

We offer the largest inventory of laparoscopic training modules on the market. Our products are extremely reliable and durable.

Endoscopic skills training

The expertise acquired while working on a laparoscopic training kit led towards the development of endoscopic trainers.